Wordpress.com let us know today that they had some concerns with some of our content and advised us that we needed to respond before we could continue to post new material. I assume that, at some point, they will let us know what the problem is.
No details were given and the issue may still be resolved, but as of 9 hours later we have still heard nothing. For the moment we continue to be suspended.
I am not one to sit around and cry over spilled milk, so I have already set up this site as Plan-B.
I will not be silenced. I don't know what happened and I really don't care. If it's a matter of some bonehead complaining because we hurt his little feelings, then wordpress can stick it. You don't just shut down a site that generates 5,000-10,000 hits a day because of one complaint. I don't know if this is what happened, but it would not surprise me. All I can do is plan to move forward.
As it were the site was potentially benefiting tremendously from hundreds of thousands of hits that we had sent them and not allowing us to advertise our products and services. I am unsure if they were advertising on our site because I only saw the page in my own browser, not in every browser on the world wide web.
Either way, we sent them tons of lucrative traffic and were allowed to benefit in no way from it. This is part of their terms and conditions, so it is my fault, but I was growing very bitter about this. I am a capitalist and I feel this is one of the things wrong with this country. If I have something that I believe is valuable then I am not afraid to share something that can benefit another human being. But I was not allowed to do that with wordpress.com, at least not with the free site.
Why a free site? For those of you who don't know, please do the math. I am unemployed and Ali and I are expecting two new additions to the family. I don't care if it's a $10 a month package or a $1000 a month package, spending money on hosting takes away from my family. My goal is to spread a message, not to look like a million dollars while doing it. So I opted for a free service. Now it seems like I may regret it. This is a free service too, by the way. LOL But that's OK. I will go wherever I need to in order to find a home.
I don't care who's servers I am using so long as the message gets out.
At any rate, please understand that I will not let them shut me up. I will be posting a brand new article tomorrow, no matter what site it is on. It might be on wordpress and it might be on this site. I don't really care, so long as the truth continues to get out.
Hey, what in the hell is this thing? Look guys...an ad! :-) If some "dummies" want to learn about Ham Radio I might make $1 or $2. I'm not sure, I didn't look at the commission structure but it's better than my previous "contract." Wait a second, I'm a dummy...I might resemble this remark.
God Bless You all my friends. I'm not going anywhere. -Dean
You hit a sore spot with someone Dean. Good job! ;-)
ReplyDeleteKeep writing. There will always be a sight that will print an opposing opinion and the truth. For those that cannot handle it I would simply say, move on, nothing to see here.